Privacy Policy & Cookies

Why do we have a privacy policy?

Skultuna protects your personal integrity and we therefore strive to always protect your personal data in the best possible way and follow applicable data protection rules. Through this privacy policy, we want to inform you about how your personal data is processed by Skultuna.

What is a personal data and what is a processing of personal data?

Personal data is any kind of information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a living natural person. For example, images and sound recordings that are processed on a computer can be personal data even if no names are mentioned. Encrypted data and various types of electronic identities (e.g. IP numbers) are personal data if they can be linked to natural persons.

Processing of personal data is everything that happens with the personal data. Every action taken with personal data constitutes processing, regardless of whether it is performed automatically or not. Examples of common treatments are collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, processing, transmission and deletion.

Who is responsible for the personal data we collect?

Skultuna Messingsbruk Aktiebolag

Organization number 556029-3085

Bruksgatan 8, 726 31 Skultuna, Sweden

Telephone: +46 21 78303


What personal data do we collect?

Skultuna Messingsbruk Aktiebolag collects data from you when you shop with us, visit or otherwise interact with us.

We collect:


Address/delivery information

Phone number

Email address

IP number

Other information provided by you (e.g. card number) is linked to our payment solutions managed by Klarna, Dibs, Paypal, Handelsbanken. Collection of this data is handled by the respective payment solution. Skultuna Messingsbruk AB does not collect any personal data regarding the payment.

Skultuna processes information about the goods that you have bought, clicked on or placed in your shopping cart. We also process information about your purchase history, your purchase patterns and your preferences as a customer with us. We also process IP address, language settings, geographical information and other data we receive in connection with your visit to

For what purpose do we collect personal data?

  • Manage your order and returns.

  • Inform via SMS notification/e-mail about delivery status.

  • Communicate with you in case of any problems with the delivery and answer questions.

  • Prevent misuse or inappropriate use of our services.

  • Comply with the Accounting Act.

  • Complete agreements with third parties, forwarders (PostNord, Schenker).

  • To be able to deliver a personally adapted experience of our services.

  • To be able to adapt to your behavior and preferences.

Legal grounds :

    Completion of the purchase agreement. This collection of your personal data is required in order for us to be able to fulfill our obligations according to the purchase agreement. If the information is not provided, our obligations cannot be fulfilled and we are therefore forced to refuse you the purchase.

    Legal obligation. This collection of your personal data is required by law. If the information is not provided, our legal obligation cannot be fulfilled and we are therefore forced to refuse you the purchase.

    Statutory storage requirements such as e.g. accounting rules mean that we are obliged to save the information for seven years. Other legitimate reasons why data must be saved are e.g. unpaid debts.

    From which sources do we obtain your personal data?

    In addition to the information you provide to us yourself, or that we collect from you based on your purchases and how you use our services, we may also collect personal data from someone else (so-called third parties). The information we collect from third parties is as follows: 1) Address information from public records to make sure we have the correct address information for you. 2) Information on creditworthiness from credit rating agencies, banks or information companies.

    The customer's consent to the use of e-mail address:

    When completing the purchase, you agree that Skultuna Messingsbruk AB uses your e-mail address for the following:

    • E-mail register to be able to market to the customer via e-mail.

    • Other marketing such as customized target groups to be able to market to the customer via social channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Facebook audience network etc.

    As long as there is consent to the sending of the newsletter, the data is saved as long as the customer does not refuse to receive the newsletter. The customer can decline the newsletter at any time by contacting us via email or phone.

    As long as there is consent to be included in other marketing such as customized target groups, the data is saved as long as the customer does not decline to be included. The customer can at any time decline to be included in the register by contacting us via email or telephone.

    Request for register extract

    The customer has the right to request information about the personal data held by Skultuna Messingsbruk AB at any time.

    Correct information

    Should there be any errors in the customer's data, the customer can request that they be corrected by contacting us.

    Who can we share your personal data with?

    Personal data assistants. In cases where it is necessary for us to be able to offer our services, we share your personal data with companies that are so-called personal data assistants for us.

    A personal data processor is a company that processes the information on our behalf and according to our instructions.

    We have personal data assistants who help us with: 1) Transport (logistics companies and forwarders). 2) Payment solutions (card processing companies, banks and other payment service providers). 3) Marketing (print and distribution, social media, media agencies or advertising agencies). 4) IT services (companies that manage the necessary operation, technical support and maintenance of our IT solutions). When your personal data is shared with personal data processors, it is only for purposes that are compatible with the purposes for which we have collected the information (e.g. to be able to fulfill our obligations under the purchase agreement).

    We check all personal data processors to ensure that they can provide sufficient guarantees regarding the security and confidentiality of personal data.

    We have agreements with all personal data processors through which they guarantee the security of the personal data that is processed and undertake to comply with our security requirements as well as restrictions and requirements regarding the international transfer of personal data. Companies that are independent personal data controllers. We also share your personal data with certain companies that are independent personal data controllers. The fact that the company is an independent personal data controller means that it is not us who control how the information provided to the company is to be processed. Independent personal data controllers with whom we share your personal data are: 1) Government authorities (the police, tax authorities or other authorities) if we are obliged to do so by law or in case of suspicion of crime. 2) Companies that provide general goods transport (logistics companies and freight forwarders). 3) Companies that offer payment solutions (card processing companies, banks and other payment service providers). When your personal data is shared with a company that is an independent personal data controller, the company's privacy policy and personal data management apply

    What is the easiest way to contact us with questions about data protection?

    You can either call us or send us an email.

    Telephone: +46 21 78303


    Transfer of personal data to third countries

    As a general rule, we and our suppliers and partners only process your personal data within the EU/EEA. In cases where personal data is processed outside the EU/EEA, there is either a decision from the Commission that the third country in question ensures an adequate level of protection or suitable protective measures that ensure that your rights are protected. We transfer personal data to the United States with the support of the EU Commission's clauses on permitted transfer to third countries. If you would like to receive a copy of the protective measures taken by Skultuna or information about where these have been made available, you can obtain this by contacting us.

    How long do we save your personal data?

    We never process your personal data for a longer period of time than is permitted according to the applicable law, regulation, practice or authority decision. Data can, for example, be saved longer if required by the Consumer Purchase Act or the Accounting Act. The personal data is stored and processed in Skultuna's IT system.

    You can contact us at any time and request that we delete your personal data.


    Skultuna uses cookies to improve your customer experience and provide you with relevant information and offers. Examples of areas of use are for retargeting or analysis in Google Analytics. The cookie also lets us know if you have visited the website before and which of our pages you have been to. A cookie is a small text file that is sent from a website and then stored locally on the visitor's hard drive. In your browser, you can choose a setting that means you receive a message before a website sends a cookie to your computer. You can then choose to accept or reject the cookie. You can also choose not to receive any cookies at all. Since different browsers work in different ways, you can search in your help menu to find the setting on your browser.