Engrave your Skultuna product
No matter if you order online or visit our store in Skultuna, your engraving will be done with a diamond engraving for the best results. The advantage to visiting our service center in Skultuna is that there we can offer more complex and customized engraving. Get a coat of arms, a symbol or get help getting a vectorized image engraved. It is also possible to get more characters and lines to get the engraving just the way you want it
Engraving online
It is of course not a must to visit a store, it is also possible to order online. The way this is done is that you find the product you want to engrave. When you have entered the product you will see "Add engraving", click there. Then you can select a font and write your text. Pay attention to the maximum number of characters! Save the engraving and add the product to your cart. Then you can complete the order as usual.

Please note that the delivery time of engraved products may be a little longer than usual, expect approximately 1-2 business days longer handling times. It is also not possible to make changes to the engraving after the order has been completed. Please check carefully for typos before completing your purchase
Engraving of Coat of Arms
Skultuna has together with Fredrik af Klercker launched a pair of cufflinks that are absolutely perfect for engraving. The smooth surface allows us to offer engraving of a personal coat of arms. If you are interested in having your coat of arms engraved on a pair of cufflinks, please contact our engraving staff directly with a high quality eps file at service@skultuna.com. The staff will then vectorize your file and then engrave the surface with the motif and send the product to you
Other options
You don't have to engrave a coat of arms if you visit the store, regular text works just as well. The staff in the store have the opportunity to go outside the scope of what is possible if you were to place the order via the website. For example, you have the option of getting a longer text or an extra line when you make the purchase in the store
Exchanges & Returns
It's important to note that products with personalized engraving cannot be exchanged or returned
Do you have more questions?
Questions regarding price of special engraving, as well as other engraving related questions, please refer to our customer support via chat or help@skultuna.com or to the knowledgeable staff in our Skultuna Stores